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AMPI Conference Explores Pathways Into Future of Pilotage

DAY two of the Australian Marine Pilots Institute conference explored diversification in the maritime industry, the evolution of maritime technology, and how the transition into the industry’s future impacts the people at the centre of it.

Australia’s Maritime Future Conference took place over two days in Wollongong. Yesterday’s discussions were guided by topics including sustainability and human capital.

Captain Jeanine Drummond of Integral Maritime set the day into motion, encouraging pilots and port professionals to challenge their perception of the industry and work to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce environment.

“I believe it is time we looked at pilotage career pathways from a different perspective,” she said.

She highlighted the role of the younger generation in the future of maritime, and the urgency of building pathways for young professionals to enter seafaring and pilotage positions.

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